viernes, 9 de julio de 2010


Por Iqui Balam

La noticia en diario tiempo sobre las manifestaciones del FNRP que interrumpieron la reunion que sostenia el presidente del congreso nacional, Juan Orlando Hernandez, con oligarcas sampedranos denota que la familia Rosenthal esta en contra del FNRP, por que NO LO MENCIONA, los que interrumpieron esta reunion eran manifestantes del FNRP, con banderas del FNRP, y a nombre del FNRP, incluyendo a los sindicalistas conglomerados dentro del frente, las consignas eran las del FNRP, y las demandas eran del FNRP.

En momentos en que se desarrollaba la reunion entre Hernandez y los oligarcas sampedranos, el lobby del Hotel Copantl se encontraba lleno de personas que, ante la llegada de un automovil lleno de manifestantes de la resistencia, procedieron a quitarse sus camisas, quedando solo con sus camisetas rojas del FNRP, y de la nada aparecieron pancartas y mantas, en una operacion relampago montada por el FNRP con la cual da prueba de su certera capacidad de respuesta inmediata y de su beligerancia en el contexto nacional.

Pero la oligarquia en todos sus herramientas de influencia social intenta confundir a la opinion publica diciendo que eran sencillamente OBREROS, y en eso mienten descaradamente al no mencionar al FNRP.

Juan Orlando Hernandez trato de darle la palabra al FNRP, pero todo lo que escucho fue el reclamo popular de los manifestantes.

Cuando Hernandez hizo eso, lo que el dijo fue, 'bueno pues, vamos a darle la palabra a los representantes del FRENTE NACIONAL DE RESISTENCIA POPULAR, para que hagan uso de la misma'.

Con ello este habil servidor de Porfirio Lobo reconoce por completo la BELIGERANCIA TOTAL DEL FNRP.

El video fue filmado por el canal de television JBN, y alli observaran lo sucedido a las 9:30pm, esta noche!



The news in Diario Tiempo about the disruption of the meeting that the president of the national congress, Juan Orlando Hernandez, held with oligarchs from San Pedro Sula clearly shows that the Rosenthal the family is AGAINST THE FRENTE NACIONAL DE RESISTENCIA POPULAR, FNRP (NATIONAL FRONT OF POPULAR RESISTANCE, FNRP), given that this powerful business oligarchy now realize that they cannot control the front for their own purposes, and that is the reason why they do not mention that those who interrupted the said meeting were FNRP protesters, with their FNRP flags, all in the name of the FNRP, including trade unionists conglomerated within the front, chanting FNRP slogans, and stating FNRP demands.

At the same time when the meeting was taking place between Hernandez and the rich oligarchs, the lobby on the Hotel Copantl was full of people who, at the arrival of a car full of protesters from the resistance, proceeded to take off their shirts, leaving only their FNRP red shirts, with placards and banners appearing out of thin air, in a blitzkrieg operation mounted by the FNRP that testifies to the accurate and immediate response of their belligerence in the national context.

Yet the corrupt oligarchy, through its tools of social influence, attempts to confuse public opinion all the time, saying the protesters that interrupted the meeting were simply workers, blatantly lying about it, making no mention at all of the FNRP.

Juan Orlando Hernandez did try to give the floor to the FNRP, but all he got for a response was the popular demands of the protesters again.

When Hernandez did that, what he said was, 'Well then, let's give the floor to the representatives of the National Front of Popular Resistance, to make use of it. "

In this way the clever servant of Porfirio Lobo fully recognized the full belligerence of the FNRP.

A video of the situation was filmed by television channel JBN, and they will show what happened at 9:30 pm tonight!

Enviado por su autor a la redacción de Honduras en lucha.

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