También analizó el conflicto de tierras en el Bajo Aguán, el nuevo paquete de medidas fiscales y la petición de la Frente Nacional de Resistencia Popular, FNRP, de convocar a una Asamblea Nacional Constituyente.
También analizó el conflicto de tierras en el Bajo Aguán, el nuevo paquete de medidas fiscales y la petición de la Frente Nacional de Resistencia Popular, FNRP, de convocar a una Asamblea Nacional Constituyente.
By Adriane Pine
The article "Honduras's Truth Commission Controversy" in Americas Quarterly and The Huffington Post by political-scientist-in-training Daniel Altschuler is getting a lot of uncritical circulation. Apparently his professors aren't giving his papers adequate critique, so I'm doing what I can to help with editing/factcheck below:
The Truth Commission mandated by last year's Tegucigalpa / San Jose Accord now appears ready to get to work in Honduras, but controversy has already ensnared it. Supporters of last year's coup are demanding that the government let sleeping dogs lie, while their opponents fear that the commission will fail to deliver an honest account of the coup.
Okay, first of all, they don't fear; they know. And beyond not providing an honest account, the clear and firm position of the human rights platform (made up of all the major human rights organizations in Honduras) and the FNRP is that the truth commission as designed enables and encourages death squads. But hey, why fuss over details?
Meanwhile, the commission already appears to be hedging on how much truth it will deliver, another troubling sign for a country where sunlight has never been in greater demand
Honduras and darkest Africa, together at last (at least metaphorically)
Signed on October 30, 2009, the Tegucigalpa / San Jose Accord once promised the end of Honduras' political crisis
Actually, no. It didn't. Not to anyone except the U.S. State Department and WOLA. That's why the resistance's representative pulled out in protest before an agreement was signed. To the golpistas it promised a continuation of power, and to Zelaya's camp it promised a brief return to power, until Tom Shannon ended that by reneging on the U.S. end of the deal. But none of them saw it as an end to the crisis.
The accord failed, however, because it did not stipulate a deadline for the congressional vote on Manuel Zelaya's restitution, which ultimately led then-President Zelaya to pull his support.
No, again, it failed because Shannon invalidated it by stating the U.S. would recognize the elections with or without Zelaya, because he was facing DeMint blocking his appointment as ambassador to Brazil, and was willing to appease him by sacrificing Honduras.
Meanwhile, de facto President Roberto Micheletti and key international players -- including the U.S. government -- clung to the accord, claiming it was still in effect. Since President Porfirio Lobo took office in late January, he has maintained this line and worked tirelessly to restore international recognition to the Honduran government. The formation of the Truth Commission represents a crucial, final step along this path, and the eight-month process stands ready to begin on May 4.
Aren't you missing the government of reconciliation theater that thus far has failed miserably to take hold, thanks to the steadfast opposition of the Honduran resistance and Human Rights Platform and their allies working in solidarity here in the U.S. (and against the efforts of Llorens and WOLA to force it through)
But Lobo's government faces significant pressure from various sectors of Honduran society. Coup supporters have already said that they have no faith in the process, arguing that it is nothing more than a show for the international community. As has been true since last year's coup, the Honduran Right continues to call for "national unity" and "consensus," which in this case appears to mean a Truth Commission that does not rock the boat. Right-wing opponents have also lobbied to exclude human rights violations from the Commission's purview, which have continued after Lobo took office
Okay, making a little bit of sense...
Opposition to a full inquiry has found allies among those on the Right in the United States, as well. Most notably, U.S. Representative Dana Rohrabacher, who visited Honduras and argued that the "book should be closed" to avoid further division. Wall Street Journal columnist Mary O'Grady seems to have joined this side, as well, shamelessly using her Wall Street Journal column to harangue Democratic congressional staffers for a visit to Tegucigalpa, during which they likely reinforced their commitment to the Truth Commission.
Meanwhile, opponents of the coup fear that the Commission will not go far enough. First, following Lobo's granting of amnesty to coupsters and the Supreme Court's dismissal of charges for the military figures involved with Zelaya's ouster, they believe that the official Commission report will go soft on the armed forces. This would be consistent with decades of precedent in Honduras and throughout Latin America, where civilian forces have long deferred to the military.
While this is not incorrect, it is incomplete. Lobo has not just granted amnesty; he has rewarded the military figures involved by giving them some of the most powerful positions in the country. SOA-trained General Romeo Vasquez Velásquez, for example, is currently enjoying his position as head of Hondutel, celebrating the fact that the telecom industry is once again back in the hands of the military and can be openly used for intelligence purposes (and yes, he has stated this openly). And "decades of precedent...throughout Latin America"? Please, a little historical awareness here. Hondurans fought valiantly to demilitarize civil society in the 1990s, and succeeded in ending the draft and wresting the telecommunications industry away from the military, among other things. There was no "deferring" there and this is not a question of culture. This is the result of a violent military takeover of a government.
Second, opponents will likely question the international additions to the Commission. The members hail from countries quickest to support last year's controversial election -- Guatemala, Canada and Peru. Among these countries, Guatemala is the only country with a left-of-center president, but Eduardo Stein was vice-president of Guatemala under the previous president, Oscar Berger, from the right-of-center GANA party.
Former Guatemalan Vice President Eduardo Stein, the Commission's coordinator, has now given critics of the coup further cause for concern. Recently, he declared that "there will be sensitive information that will be classified, especially confidential testimony provided by certain individuals during the investigation process." This statement has raised red flags for seekers of historical truth in Honduras.
Hondurans who critique the truth commission from the left are not "seekers of historical truth." The resistance movement is not comprised of some kind of "truth will set you free" hippies. Those Hondurans have demanded justice, and an end to a violently undemocratic system of government, supported by an undemocratic and completely invalidated constitution.
To be fair, there can be various reasons to keep certain information confidential in truth commissions. These commissions, in addition to the daunting task of constructing a coherent account of complex, controversial events, can face many other practical and ethical obstacles, including getting key players to talk, getting honest answers and being able to protect those who provide testimony. Especially in the absence of the same legal protections that would be afforded to witnesses in a court of law, it makes sense for the Honduran Truth Commission to afford certain protections for informants.
The Truth, cipote, is not actually as complicated and obtuse as you are making it out to be here. The events may be controversial, but so is the question of the earth being round or evolution v. creation, depending on whose wacko view you choose to privilege. It would not be that hard for the truth commission to arrive at an accurate analysis of what has happened in the past year; in fact, Amnesty International and the IAHCR have already done so. Look it up. Unfortunately, accuracy is not the purpose of the truth commission, and whitewashing the coup is.
The problem, then, is not that information will be withheld, but what information will be withheld.
Not according to all the human rights organizations in Honduras and the Resistance movement (see above).
To remain credible, the commission needs to be clear about the nature of these protections and the scope of the "sensitive information" to which Stein referred. Vague statements suggest arbitrary decisions and will only undermine the commission. The commission also needs to demonstrate that these restrictions will not jeopardize its final report's objectivity and completeness. Otherwise, those in favor of a full accounting of the 2009 political crisis will remain convinced that the commission will do nothing more than whitewash the coup and the roles of the military and the country's political leaders in creating and perpetuating that crisis. In the absence of an honest and complete report, observers may have to look to the findings of an "Alternative Truth Commission," which could be similar to parallel inquiries previously set up in other Latin American countries.
This whole paragraph creates the illusion of a legitimate dilemma when no such dilemma exists. A truth commission endorsed and formed by a state that is actively and daily murdering its non-violent opponents is not an appropriate vehicle for investigation of the state. Period.
What remains at stake in all of this is Honduras's historical memory.
See above, on memory vs. justice.
For those who hope the Truth Commission will fail, this endeavor evidently does not matter -- instead of worrying about the past, these critics may argue, Honduras should focus on increasing economic growth, re-opening the aid spigot and reducing the country's horrific crime level.
No understanding here of the social manipulation and uses of said "horrific crime level" in Honduras as justification for state violence under the rubric of "mano dura" or "zero tolerance" policies against a population of young poor men rendered excessive by the violent policies of the neoliberal coup state, or how it fits in with the preceding two fallacies...
All of these issues are critical, but this ahistorical stance misses a central point: The truth must be known, both for its own sake and "to avoid that these events repeat themselves in the future."
If you knew your Honduran history you'd know that knowledge of the violent past does nothing to prevent a violent future, when that past is one of U.S. trained and supported death squads. It's not a lack of knowledge that's the problem- those documents were declassified in the 1990s (the parts that weren't painstakingly blacked out at the CIA, anyway). Impunity is the problem. Impunity is why the U.S.-trained death squad leaders of the 1980s are leading death squads once again, right now, with U.S. support.
The latter justification comes directly from the Tegucigalpa / San Jose Accord, signed by negotiators from both sides of last year's crisis. The demand for the truth, far from an international imposition, is Honduran in origin, and this demand must be honored.
And this last statement is perhaps the most offensive of all. "Both sides," Daniel? Both sides? Really? Did you not happen to notice the entire resistance movement, much bigger than the Zelaya camp, boycotting those accords? Did you not notice the guns of the one of the two "sides" you recognize trained on the other? Are you so naïve as to think those are possibly conditions for honest negotiation or agreement?
Final Grade (with inflation, and mostly because the grammar's pretty good and that's worth a lot these days): C-
Fuente: quotha.net/node/903Family members mourn at Honduran Judge Olga Laguna's funeral in Tegucigalpa, on March 4, 2010. Street crime and killings have become so widespread in Honduras that in late April the Lobo administration decreed that the army would help police forces keep the peace. (Photo by Orlando Sierra/Getty Images)
Since March 1, 13 members of the resistance movement have been gunned down. Paramilitary forces reminiscent of 1980s-style death squads are thought to be responsible.
TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS—Late in the afternoon on February 3, Vanessa Zepeda, a 28-year-old registered nurse, left a union hall after a meeting and began walking to the supermarket to buy school supplies for her children and formula for her baby girl.
She never made it.
According to witnesses, as she was leaving the union hall parking lot in this sprawling capital city, Zepeda was forced into an unmarked white sedan by two masked men dressed in fatigues.
A few hours after she was kidnapped, her corpse, still dressed in blue hospital scrubs, was tossed from a moving car in the Loarque neighborhood on the southern side of the city—a well-known stronghold of the resistance movement.
Zepeda was a member of the National Front of Popular Resistance (FNRP), which like many countries, including Brazil and Argentina, does not recognize the military-backed government of President Porfirio “Pepe” Lobo, who took office in January after much-disputed elections.
Zepeda was also a leader in the Social Security Workers Union. Prior to her abduction, she had attended the meeting at the Bottling Plant union building to talk about the need to join with other unions to peacefully resist the Lobo government.
“Vanessa was very committed to helping others,” says Bessi Torrez, Zepeda’s mother, in a phone interview with In These Times. (Torrez had agreed to meet in public, but later canceled due to fear of being seen with a foreign journalist.) “She also worked hard to help unite the different syndicates, so that they could consolidate their interests. She sacrificed everything for the Resistance.”
After Zepeda’s body was found, her mother was notified and told to come straight to the morgue, instead of the crime scene itself. When Torrez arrived, she was not allowed to see any of the forensic evidence or investigation records.
“It was very strange,” she says. “The process has been so mysterious.”
Since the coup last June, a number of union leaders have died under equally mysterious circumstances. Many Hondurans believe the military-backed government to be responsible for these assassinations. Of the 43 members of the FNRP that have been killed, about half have been trade unionists.
Gilda Batista, director of the Tegucigalpa-based human rights organization Refuge Without Limits (ASL), has investigated the murder of Zepeda and other recently executed union leaders. Batista says her research leads her to believe that assassination squads are being “financed by the corporatocracy and military.”
Batista believes the targeting of key individuals like Zepeda “sends a message to the Resistance that union members will be murdered if they meddle in the political arena.” In Zepeda’s case, forensics experts finally labeled the case a homicide, but still have not disclosed any details about the cause of death. More than three weeks after the autopsy, Torrez is still awaiting an explanation from the government concerning her daughter’s murder.
“[The Lobo government] knows that the trade unionists are one of the biggest threats economically. The labor movement has been really central to the resistance,” says Dana Frank, professor of history at the University of California, Santa Cruz, in an interview in a Tegucigalpa human rights office. “In Tegucigalpa, many of the biggest Resistance meetings are happening in the Bottling Plant Union building. The unions are a direct economic threat [because] they have a larger vision for Honduras.”
There are no government statistics detailing how much of the country’s workforce is unionized, but according to the office of the Honduran Labor Secretary, there are currently 527 different syndicates, or workplace-based unions, representing both public and private Honduran workers.
Although the U.S. State Department does recognize the Lobo government, assassinations of union leaders and other human-rights abuses in Honduras have reached such a pitch that nine members of the House of Representatives sent a letter to Hillary Clinton in early March, asking the secretary of state to investigate the violence.
“I am extremely concerned that U.S. attention to ongoing human-rights abuses in Honduras will wane now that the acute political crisis has ended,” Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) wrote in an e-mail to In These Times. “It’s tempting for the United States to immediately normalize relations and resume aid now that Honduras has held elections, but I believe that we need to keep the focus on the serious violations that continue to occur.”
Rep. Schakowsky, who traveled to Honduras on a fact-finding trip in November 2009 and signed the March letter, says she saw the deterioration of human rights “firsthand.” “I am extremely concerned that these abuses are continuing under the new government,” she wrote.
Frank, author of Bananera: Women Transforming the Banana Unions of Latin America, is especially concerned about the ongoing assassinations. Five journalists and 13 members of the FNRP were gunned down between March 1 and April 8 alone. Of those 13 FNRP victims, nine were active union members, including one teacher who was shot in front of his students as he lectured, according to the Honduran Teachers Association (COPEMH). Frank believes paramilitary forces reminiscent of the 1980s—when military-funded death squads terrorized the country—are responsible.
“This has been going on for decades in Latin America,” Frank says. “Private contractors—they’re not officially the military, but they’re paid by the military. … They have their secret lists of people they want to kill in the Honduran Resistance and these people come in the night and beat people up or kill or kidnap them. The Lobo government is supporting this kind of activity. They’re not denouncing it. They’re not investigating these assassinations.”
Frank also pointed out that certain figures associated with internal human-rights violations have recently been given prominent positions of power in the new government. Infamous 1980s death-squad leader Billy Joya is now a special advisor to the Lobo regime. And Romeo Vasquez, the U.S.-trained general who orchestrated the putsch itself, was named to be head of the Honduran national phone company last month.
Honduran Secretary of Labor Felicito Avila Ordonez laughingly dismisses the idea that death squads are operating again. “It’s true, we do have a security problem in the streets, in the markets,” says Ordonez during an interview in his office. “We can’t have peace without employment.”
Honduras’ unemployment rate was at about 51 percent just before last year’s coup. Ordonez declined to provide a more recent figure, saying only, “It’s quite bad.” (According to the Tegucigalpa-based Chamber of Commerce and Industry, more than 100,000 jobs have been lost since the coup.) Replying to a question about what can be done to curb unemployment, the Lobo-appointed labor secretary says, “Confidence! Faith! We know the government must be more transparent. This will be a more Christian government!”
Ordonoz, a former trade union leader, says he feels loyal to both workers and employers, and that the Lobo government’s official attitude toward the unions is one of peace and reconciliation. “But we can’t have anarchy,” he says. “Laborers must respect how the law works.” When pressed to provide an explanation for the recent killing of union leaders, Ordonez replies: “Maybe it’s the Resistance thinking how they can make trouble for the country,” he laughs. “Probably it’s just common crime.”
Frank strongly disagrees.
“[These killings] were made to look like common crimes, but these [victims] are all people involved in the Resistance. The military is being very clever,” she says. “They’re not knocking off the top leaders. They know that if that happened, they would have a tremendous international reaction. So instead they’re going after people in the middle. It’s a form of state terror.”
Like other countries in Latin America, Honduras has long been dominated by the economic interest of the north. For decades, banana corporations familiar to Americans—like Dole and United Fruit (now Chiquita)—controlled the economy and the government. “Honduras is the original banana republic,” Frank says. But because of the lucrative and labor-intensive trade of which they were part, workers on Honduran plantations have historically been able to demand good contracts, including wage increases, healthcare and even anti-domestic violence workshops.
However, as the country’s economy has diversified in recent decades, other trade unions within Honduras have been unable to equal the success of the banana workers. This is because of the uniquely massive nature of the banana industry, which employs organized workers suffering under similar circumstances throughout Latin America—workers who could wield tremendous cumulative power if they strike together.
But even the once-powerful banana unions are under threat. Dole and Chiquita have developed a common strategy of selling off fincas (or plantations) to smaller independent subcontractors, who refuse to honor previous labor contracts.
“[The banana unions] still have vestigial power because they are so well-coordinated across the banana sector in Latin America, and with strong solidarity ties in Europe and the U.S. But [that power is] always being chipped away,” Frank writes.
Other cash-crop workers in Honduras are on less equal footing.
Farmers in the highly lucrative African palm industry “are obviously exploited,” Jose Serrano, coordinator of the Committee of Popular Organizations of Aguan (COPA), tells In These Times. The Aguan basin, on the Caribbean coast of Honduras, has been the scene of an intense, five-month stand-off between palm oil workers, and the military dictatorship. Poor farmers were originally granted collective land rights by the Agrarian Reform Law, enacted in 1962. But since then, both Honduran and transnational companies have illegally re-purchased the valuable farms resulting, says Serrano, in the farmers once again becoming powerless, low-wage serfs.
In response, the palm workers (the oil is used in cooking products worldwide) have peacefully but “permanently” occupied several plantations in the district. According to COPA, these pacifist actions have resulted in the death of seven farmers so far, as private security forces have repeatedly opened fire on the campesinos, in attempts to drive them from their land.
“On the palm-oil fincas, the workers receive just 95 lempira (about $5) a day,” Serrano says. The farmers who have occupied the plantations in the Aguan Basin finally rose up, he says, because they were “existing without sufficient food or clean drinking water. A typical work week is six or seven days long.”
In other GDP-leading industries like lumber and tourism, and within the factory system, unions have been successfully discouraged. Workers in maquilas—transnationally owned factories that operate in tax-free zones to manufacture things like textiles, garments and athletic shoes for export—are essentially powerless, according to Honduran workers’ rights activists, despite their great numbers.
“As for maquiladoras, the sad fact is that almost no one, anywhere in [Latin America] has been able to establish unions that last,” Frank says. “There are a handful of organized factories in Honduras, but usually everyone just gets fired and blacklisted as soon as they sign the petition asking for an election.”
A representative for Honduran maquila workers agrees.
“If the girls try to organize at all, the leaders are fired right away,” says Maria Luisa Regalado, coordinator general for Honduran Women’s Collective (CODEMUH), an NGO that specializes in the maquila sector. The average maquila worker in Honduras earns 121 lempira (about $6.40) per day, Regalado says during an interview in the industrial city of San Pedro Sula. From this wage, women—and most maquila workers are female—must pay for transportation, housing, food and day care.
“The owners don’t want unions in the factories, because there are so many workers, and such a union would be too powerful for them,” she says. According to CODEMUH, maquila workers in Honduras number more than 130,000 people. “And yet these companies don’t pay any taxes, they give nothing back to the communities. They steal our labor and pay nothing for it. It is unjust and inhuman,” Regalado says, referring to companies like Hanes, Active Wear and Loveables.
A spokesperson for a public-relations company that represents maquila owners insists that nothing is amiss. “The maquilas bring a lot of good to those communities,” says Tesla Callejas de Flores, communication and marketing coordinator for the Honduran Manufacturers Association, based in San Pedro Sula. “When these women have jobs, they have equilibrium in their lives. For instance, they may not need to feel dependent, or stuck in an abusive relationship with a man. That’s why so many people want to work here.” Maquila owners have a “deep respect for workers rights” and all workers receive “full medical benefits” after a job-sustained injury, she says.
Regalado, however, tells a different story. “There is very little compensation for injuries, despite what they say,” she says, citing the case of Reina Quintania, a 22-year-old woman who lost one eye and suffered damage to the other as the result of an on-the-job accident in a Hanes factory. “They removed [the object] from her punctured eye, treated her with simple first aid in the infirmary, and then sent her back to work,” Regalado says. “Afterwards, they only paid for 35 percent of Reina’s medical bills. Now the girl is practically blind, and she can’t work, and she’s in debt for the operation she had to undergo. And of course [Hanes] doesn’t offer any kind of disability for injured workers. Since they aren’t allowed to unionize, the workers are helpless.”
The Honduran Manufacturers Association denied any knowledge of the Quintania case.
“We have a very unified movement, a very representative movement,” says FNRP leader Rafael Alegria, who is also president of the powerful Honduran farmworkers union Via Campesina. “We demand an end to the violence and repression. We support the laborers, who continue to receive death threats. We support the unemployed, who have a right to work.” Alegria spoke after a Feb. 25, 2010, march in Tegucigalpa on the National Congress building by approximately 60,000 members of the FNRP, which has modeled itself on nonviolent social movements.
The FNRP also continues to push for a better public education system, a goal held by ousted President Manuel Zelaya. The country’s education and literacy levels are seriously compromised by endemic poverty, and the student-teacher ratio is on average 40-to-one. The day after soldiers kidnapped and exiled Zelaya in June 2009, tens of thousands of teachers went on strike.
‚”Zelaya had actualized free education for all Hondurans, as is stipulated in the constitution,” says Jamie Rodriguez, president of COPEMH, one of the country’s largest teachers unions. Although last year’s strike has now ended, Rodriguez says the teachers are still playing a vital role in the FNRP. In late April, they began conducting a nationwide poll to determine if there is democratic support for the creation of a constitutional assembly. (Zelaya was swept from office for his willingness to allow a similar referendum.) The goal is to collect signatures from at least half of the Honduran electorate.
“This is our chance to re-found our country,” Rodriguez says, adding that the new constitution would do away with “laws designed only to serve the rich.”
Zelaya had set up government programs to pay for lunches, travel to schools and tuition. Zelaya’s reforms allowed about 450,000 children to begin attending school, “but all of that was canceled after the coup,” Rodriguez says.
He had done more than just help students. The economy made significant strides while he was in office, according to a study published by the Washington-based Center for Economic and Policy Research. The country’s GDP increased an average of seven percent annually during Zelaya’s first two years in office, and the percentage of Hondurans living in poverty dropped from about 66 to 61. But many experts say it was precisely this slight leveling of the economic playing field that angered the dozen or so wealthy families that have traditionally ruled Honduras and led to the military coup against the president.
In the months following the coup, 155,000 jobs were lost and the poverty rate began to grow again as wary governments cut foreign aid. Tourism, the third-largest industry in Honduras, fell by 70 percent. The cost of mobilizing police and armed forces—estimated at about $50 million U.S. dollars per day during the weeks Honduras was under martial law after the coup—as well as the general economic slow-down, resulted in the second-poorest nation in Central America declaring bankruptcy in February.
Due to public concern about human-rights abuses and top-level corruption in the central government, just 49 percent of the Honduran electorate turned out for the ballot vote that brought Lobo to power last November. Many observers have claimed that elections under the military-imposed government were neither free nor fair.
The Lobo government has tried to fight the public’s perception of corruption. “Suddenly on the television here in Honduras, we’re hearing all about campaigns against corruption,” says Frank, referring to a series of advertisements produced by Lobo, who backed the putsch against Zelaya. “Well, who are the corrupt people? Who are the people who have been robbing the coffers of this country for decades? Who are the people that take humanitarian aid and line their pockets with it?”
“Now the new, illegitimate Lobo government says it wants reconciliation,” says teachers union leader Rodriguez. “They talk about wanting peace, but they are still killing people in the streets.” Some teachers particularly vocal in their opposition to the government have stopped receiving pay checks, Rodriguez says, and police recently gassed a “dissident” school while teachers and students were still inside. In all, according to COPEMH’s Rodriguez, five teachers have died in politically motivated assassinations since the coup, and one has disappeared.
Alegria says the Lobo government appears to be little more than an extension of the regime of Roberto Micheletti, who became de facto president after the coup. “The power structure is still intact. The same Congress that backed the coup. The same military junta—all the same putschists in power,” Alegria says.
Rep. Schakowsky is worried about these trends, as well as the cozy relationship the Lobo government has so far enjoyed with the U.S. State Department. “I hope the secretary [Clinton] will look into the reports of human rights abuses,” she wrote to In These Times. “Human rights considerations must be part of any process of aid resumption and diplomatic normalization.”
But for those who have lost loved ones at the hands of the military regime, normalization will be a long and painful process. “I want justice,” says Torrez, mother of slain union leader Zepeda. “Not just for Vanessa, but for all those who have lost their lives for the Resistance.”
Fuente: inthesetimes.com
La resistencia se creció ante la compleja y traicionera situación creada por la secretaria de Estado Hillary Clinton al imponer la mediación de su compinche Óscar Arias para consolidar el golpe, hasta ese momento rechazado frontalmente por la OEA, la ONU y la Unión Europea, que exigían la inmediata e incondicional
restitución de Manuel Zelaya en la presidencia. Se ha crecido de nuevo ante el silencio mediático impuesto por Estados Unidos sobre los crímenes y graves violaciones a los derechos humanos en Honduras mientras el Departamento de Estado se emplea a fondo en hacer creer que el país vuelve a la normalidad democrática. Poco importan los asesinatos de periodistas y activistas sociales, la ocupación militar de la zona campesina de El Aguán; en suma, la amenaza de muerte o desaparición para todo el que censure a la dictadura. En el fragor de esta lucha el FNRP ha devenido una de las fuerzas populares más combativas y prometedoras de nuestra región en la pelea por la segunda independencia y la unidad e integración económica y política de América Latina.
La elite imperial de Estados Unidos y la oligarquía nativa nunca imaginaron la chispa que haría estallar en la conciencia del pueblo la sensibilidad y compromiso sociales aflorados en un terrateniente como Zelaya, llegado a la presidencia dentro de las antipopulares reglas del sistema político hondureño pero en una época latinoamericana políticamente telúrica. Tampoco les pasó por la mente la radicalización y redoblamiento de la voluntad de lucha que alentaría el golpe de Estado en los sectores populares. Calcularon que la resistencia duraría si acaso unos días o semanas y que se iría desmoronando en la medida que se consolidara el golpe. Recuerdo haber leído honestos análisis antigolpistas procedentes de Honduras inmediatamente después del cuartelazo, que ponían en duda las posibilidades de mantener la lucha más allá de unos días.
Y es que resistir al régimen de fuerza parecía la maldición de Sísifo. Ha exigido a los integrantes del FNRP batirse contra una oligarquía singularmente cerril y egoísta, con su enorme poder económico, su ancestral hegemonía cultural y el terrorismo político que le facilita la propiedad de los grandes medios de difusión, desafiar –a riesgo de ser apaleados o asesinados– la represión de un ejército y fuerzas de seguridad serviles al imperio y de progenie emblemáticamente antipopular. Todo esto en un país sumamente empobrecido por el expolio oligárquico e imperialista, cuyo presupuesto depende mucho de las contribuciones de Washington, que mantiene allí una base militar célebre por su injerencia en los asuntos internos.
En varias marchas recientes a lo largo del país el FNRP lanzó la consigna de recoger dos millones 500 mil firmas exigiendo la convocatoria a una asamblea constituyente para el 28 de junio, primer aniversario del golpe. Es una tarea que ya está en marcha y demanda un gigantesco trabajo político y organizativo pero no parecería haber nada más importante para continuar construyendo contrapoder que la denuncia de la Constitución y el régimen social antidemocráticos en vigor, hijos de la guerra sucia de Estados Unidos contra la revolución sandinista y los movimientos revolucionarios de América Central. El golpe en Honduras, debe subrayarse, es el primer paso de la farisaica estrategia de Obama contra los pueblos y gobiernos progresistas de América Latina, de la cual la campaña mediática en curso contra Cuba es piedra angular.
El FNRP marchará el 1º de mayo con dos exigencias vitales para fortalecer la democracia en nuestra América: garantías para el regreso de Zelaya y convocatoria a la asamblea constituyente.
Fuente: La Jornada
Aunque el Gobierno español saluda la constitución del órgano que se encargará de investigar los hechos ocurridos antes, durante y después de la destitución el pasado 28 de junio del entonces presidente Manuel Zelaya y de la instalación de un Gobierno 'de facto', España estará representada en ese acto por su embajador en Tegucigalpa, Ignacio Rupérez, señalaron las mismas fuentes.
El Gobierno de Honduras anunció el martes la visita de Moratinos para el acto de constitución de la Comisión de la Verdad. Fue la ministra de la Presidencia, María Antonieta Guillén de Bográn, quien confirmó la asistencia del jefe de la diplomacia española como "invitado especial" y del secretario general de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA), José Miguel Insulza, según informaron varios medios de comunicación hondureños.
La Coordinadora de Organizaciones Populares del Aguan, COPA, en Tocoa, Colón, Honduras, Centro América, debido a los acontecimientos ocurridos en la Región del Aguán en donde la realidad en que vive es de zozobra y tensión, principalmente los comunicadores sociales de la zona, ante la opinión Pública Nacional e Internacional, hacemos la siguiente denuncia:
PRIMERO: Denunciamos Que Ricardo Emilio Oviedo quien es el presidente de la Asociación de Comunicadores de Colón y Tiene un espacio de dos horas y media en el canal 40, en Tocoa Colón, está siendo objeto de persecución y amenazas permanentes. El 08 de abril cuando el Régimen militarizó la ciudad y registraban a las personas, él transmitió esas imágenes, y un Policía manifestó que “hablaba mentiras” (utilizando insultos y palabras soeces). Ese mismo día y el siguiente, por la noche escuchó ráfagas de disparos frente al canal de TV, además una moto amarrilla sin placas, donde se conducen dos desconocidos le han estado dando seguimiento desde el estudio hasta su casa, y se les ha visto varias veces rondando la misma. El 21 de abril, un individuo no identificado telefoneó y le dijo: “Te vas a morir”.
SEGUNDO: A eso de las 7:40 p.m. del 26 de abril en momentos que había un apagón de luz, dispararon contra su casa desde un vehículo y a pesar que hay militares y policías en la zona no realizaron ninguna acción tampoco el Comisionado Regional de los Derechos Humanos, se suma a esta falta de responsabilidad la Fiscalía del Ministerio Público, cuya coordinadora Arody Mariela Reyes no ha querido atender la denuncia y a pesar que Oviedo y otros miembros de la Asociación de Comunicadores de Colón han esperado por más de dos horas no les ha atendido.
Desde el asesinato de Nahum Palacios la Asociación de Comunicadores de Colón decidió suspender su voto de silencio y ayer 27 de abril se abordaba por televisión el tema de las amenazas que están sufriendo los comunicadores entre ellos Ricardo Oviedo y el programa fue sacado del aire.
TERCERO: Repudiamos estos hechos que reflejan, el terrorismo de Estado de este Régimen, dirigido por el señor Porfirio Lobo Sosa, quien ha enviado Militares y Policías a la zona del Aguan, desde el sábado 10 de abril de 2010, quienes se han hecho acompañar de otro tipo de personas, (Sicarios, Paramilitares y otros ), con el objetivo de intimidar, perseguir, hostigar, amenazar a muerte y hasta asesinar en primer lugar a los campesinos que tenían acciones de recuperación, a los periodistas, a miembros de la Resistencia Popular y a la población de la zona, como es el caso de nuestro Compañero OVIEDO
CUARTO: Responsabilizamos a las Autoridades Regionales, al Presidente de la República, al Ministro de Seguridad y al Ministro de Defensa, por cualquier hecho contra la integridad física del Compañero Periodista Ricardo Emilio Oviedo, que venga aumentar el número de violaciones a la libertad de expresión y a la vida en el país, pues ya suman 6 periodistas asesinados en menos de dos meses.
Finalmente hacemos un llamado a la Comunidad Nacional e Internacional, especialmente Organismos de Derechos Humanos, a las Organizaciones del Movimiento Popular integradas en el Frente Nacional de Resistencia Popular y al Pueblo Hondureño en General, que estén atentos a cualquier llamado de urgencia y de solidaridad en defensa del derecho a la vida.
Dado en la Ciudad de Tocoa, Colón, a los veintiocho días del mes de abril del año dos mil diez.
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El retorno de Manuel Zelaya a Honduras con plenas garantías y la convocatoria a una Asamblea Constituyente serán las principales demandas del movimiento de resistencia durante la marcha del 1 de Mayo, se informó hoy. La manifestación saldrá de la Universidad Pedagógica Francisco Morazán y estará encabezada por líderes del Frente Nacional de Resistencia Popular (FNRP) y por la esposa de Zelaya, Xiomara Castro. El 28 de junio de 2009, el presidente de Honduras fue secuestrado y llevado a la fuerza a Costa Rica por militares encapuchados, justo el día en que se iba a celebrar una encuesta en torno a futuras modificaciones a la carta magna. En septiembre logró regresar de manera sorpresiva al país y permaneció encerrado tres meses en la embajada de Brasil, hasta que el 27 de enero recibió un salvoconducto para viajar a República Dominicana. "Hay que luchar porque Mel regrese. Al igual que otros hondureños que también se encuentran fuera", dijo Xiomara Castro en una entrevista telefónica a Radio Globo. Afirmó que en estos momentos no hay garantías para el retorno de su esposo, porque las condiciones actuales en el país son las mismas que se dieron tras el golpe de Estado. "No ha habido cambio. Los funcionarios que falsificaron y crearon acusaciones contra él, se encuentran en los mismos puestos", afirmó la ex primera dama, en alusión a las autoridades del poder judicial y de la fiscalía. Xiomara Castro saludó a la mujer obrera, a las trabajadoras del campo y a las madres que día a día están luchando por abrir un espacio y por crear una Honduras diferente. El FNRP inició la recolección de un millón 250 mil firmas en todo el país para exigir una nueva constitución participativa, igualitaria y acorde a los tiempos modernos, y demandar también el retorno de Zelaya a Honduras. Fuente: Prensa Latina - rc/car . |
Una delegación del Frente Nacional de Resistencia Popular de Honduras (FNRP) encabezada por Carlos H. Reyes, fue recibida el 23 de abril en el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperación (MAEC) de España por el Sr. Agustín Santos, Jefe de Gabinete del Ministro Miguel Ángel Moratinos..
El representante del MAEC manifestó el reconocimiento claro del Gobierno español al Frente Nacional de Resistencia Popular de Honduras como fuerza política, tal y como demuestra el hecho de haber sido recibidos por el MAEC.
El representante del MAEC manifestó la preocupación del gobierno español por la situación de vulneración de los derechos humanos que se constata en Honduras, desde el golpe de Estado de junio de 2009 hasta la fecha de hoy, sin que dicha vulneración de los derechos humanos haya cesado.
El representante del MAEC manifestó que la Unión Europea no invitará al Sr. Porfirio Lobo a la cumbre de Presidentes de la Unión Europea-América Latina, que se celebrará en Madrid los próximos días 17 y 18 de mayo, si no existe consenso entre los países latinoamericanos sobre dicha invitación.
El representante del MAEC manifestó que el gobierno español sigue considerando la situación en Honduras como de excepcionalidad institucional.
El representante del MAEC pidió a los representantes del FNRP que mantuvieran constante contacto y remitieran información sobre la situación en Honduras al MAEC, a través de la Embajada española en Tegucigalpa.
Fuente: www.rebelion.org
“Algo que realmente se ha desarrollado en mí es la sensación de lo masivo en contraposición con lo personal; soy el mismo solitario que era, buscando mi camino sin ayuda personal, pero ahora poseo el sentido de mi deber histórico. No tengo hogar ni mujer ni hijos ni padres ni hermanos ni hermanas, mis amigos son mis amigos en tanto piensen políticamente como yo y sin embargo estoy contento, siento algo en la vida, no solo una poderosa fuerza interior, que siempre sentí, sino también el poder de inyectarla a los demás y el sentido absolutamente fatalista de mi misión que me despoja del miedo”.
Ernesto Che Guevara
La superficie agraria del "Bajo Aguán", ubicado en la parte atlántica del país, al norte de su geografía, es una de las más fértiles de América Central y por esta razón, las maniobras del gobierno asesino del neoliberal Callejas (1990-1994) permitió la concentración de la propiedad de la tierra entre tres millonarios terratenientes.
Callejas, a principio de los noventa, aprobó la Ley de Modernización Agrícola, que derogó la Ley de Reforma Agraria en vigor, por lo cual la tierra se trasformó en una mercancía que se pudo comprar y vender. Las cooperativas de agricultores que han sido financiadas por la reforma agraria, después de que el Estado la abandonó, se vieron obligadas a vender sus propiedades a los hombres más poderosos como Facussé, Morales y Canales, quienes se convirtieron en los dueños de casi toda el área, dedicándola al cultivo de productos no tradicionales, que son de exportación, como la palma africana y los cítricos.
La indiferencia del Estado por la situación de los campesinos ha significado que los agricultores se vieran obligados a tomar medidas para recuperar las tierras que históricamente han sido de ellos, y ocuparlas fue una solución para evitar la muerte por inanición.
Para citar datos específicos, recuerden que sólo Miguel Facussé posee 16 000 hectáreas en la zona, mientras que la misma ley de Modernización Agrícola no permite esta cantidad. Sólo en la zona de conflicto, tiene un exceso de más de 4 000 hectáreas, como resultó después de una medida del Instituto Agrario Nacional, a la presencia de técnicos del mismo Facussé.
Sábado, 17 de abril 2010: el Gobierno de Honduras y representantes del MUCA (Movimiento Campesino Unificado del Aguan) han hecho oficial el acuerdo que establece que los agricultores de esta asociación, formada por 28 cooperativas de la zona del Aguan, recibirían inmediatamente 3000 hectáreas de palma africana, en los tres meses a seguir, otros tres mil de tierras no cultivadas después de la evacuación voluntaria de las tierras ocupadas. Por otra parte, en el tiempo de un año, recibirían 1 000 hectáreas cultivadas y 4000 sin cultivar.
Como siempre, quien ganó más en este acuerdo fueron los terratenientes, aun cuando, en teoría, esto permitiría el terminar de la persecución de los campesinos: sólo durante los últimos días de negociaciones fueron detenidos decenas de trabajadores agrícolas sin ningún tipo de acusación fundada.
La prensa golpista fue responsable de demonizar los campesinos como si fueran guerrilleros fuertemente armados, mientras la realidad es todo lo contrario: son los asesinos de Facussé los que, principalmente de noche, entran en las comunidades para intimidar y sembrar el miedo en las personas, cuando no eliminan de forma permanente a los líderes de los movimientos campesinos.
Tuve la suerte de acompañar a algunos miembros de la organización para la defensa de los derechos humanos COFADEH (Comité de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos en Honduras) durante su visita al departamento de Colón, en el Bajo Aguan, para reunir pruebas de persecución y testimonios de familiares de los asesinados. Debo decir que, a pesar de todo, la situación no ha vuelto a la normalidad; el ejército y la policía siguen comportándose como si en el Bajo Aguan estuviera en guerra, siguen persiguiendo a los campesinos bajo el pretexto que son presuntos narcotraficantes y tratan de obstaculizar la labor de las organizaciones para defender los derechos humanos.
Como las fotos muestran, la policía se mantiene lista para perseguir a los líderes de los agricultores de forma sistemática y eficaz.
Podemos comprobar que la misma policía y los mismos militares se están moviendo en coches sin placas en completa impunidad: en el aparcamiento del hotel donde estábamos hospedados -nosotros y un número indeterminado de militares y policías- ¡el único vehículo con placa regular era el autobús del COFADEH!
Para hacer más eficaz esta invasión militar, invitaron incluso a militares estadounidenses y israelíes, que resultan un poco cómicos en los uniformes de la policía de Honduras, en su intento de comunicarse en un español artesanal, con nombres falsos como “Rivera” puestos en los uniformes, imaginándose tal vez que nadie podría detectarlos.
Si una persona tiene una necesidad repentina de avanzar rápidamente en el departamento de Colón, que se le olvide: cada pocos kilómetros hay un retén que detiene a la mayoría de los que pasan, inspeccionando ilegalmente el vehículo o los equipajes que encuentran, sin un mandato judicial, como si todos los que pasan fueran narcotraficantes asesinos.
Entre las alarmantes noticias que me han dicho los campesinos del MUCA, cuando los sicarios de Facussé entran por la fuerza en las cooperativas que están defendiendo la tierra -con pasamontañas y armados hasta los dientes- su acento colombiano se puede reconocer fácilmente, algo que confirma la denuncia de que el terrateniente más rico de Honduras contrató paramilitares colombianos para que se ocupen del trabajo sucio.
Y aquí estamos de acuerdo con el presidente golpista Lobo, que se queja de que hay extranjeros que han llegado a Honduras con fines subversivos: de hecho, ¿creen que los paramilitares colombianos y los militares norteamericanos y israelíes están exactamente en el país para asistir a una fiesta de cumpleaños? El problema es, con claridad, de tipo político; hay extranjeros buenos y otros malos: de hecho, en un retén donde detuvieron la camioneta del COFADEH, el mayor problema era mi acento cubano.
Un jefe de la policía un poco distraído, que me exigía, en un primer instante, un carnet de identidad hondureño, sin saber exactamente lo que fuera un pasaporte (juro que no es mentira… en ese momento comprendí por qué la resistencia en las marchas grita a los policías: “leer, escribir, aprender, para “chepo” nunca ser) afirmó que, por mi acento "extraño" mi pasaporte tenia que ser falso.
Sé que no es usual abandonar una profesión cómoda en el capitalismo, como la de medico veterinario, para dedicarse al periodismo político en una de las islas más bonitas y heroicas del Caribe, pero esta es mi vida y estoy muy orgullosa de haber estudiado español en la Universidad de La Habana… hecho que ha dejado signos reconocibles en mi forma de expresarme.
Sólo quiero concluir recordando que es una vergüenza que el gobierno golpista hondureño no reconozca todos los grandes esfuerzos que ha hecho Cuba para ayudar a este país hermano, desde el gobierno de Maduro, tras el terrible paso del huracán Mitch.
Sin embargo, afortunadamente, el pueblo sabe lo que ha sido y lo que sigue siendo el sacrificio de los médicos cubanos, que nunca abandonaron a los más pobres: al tratar de expulsar a los cooperantes de la salud cubanos, el presidente de aquella época, Maduro, tuvo que enfrentarse con el pueblo hondureño que bloqueó el aeropuerto Toncontín, y no permitió la salida de ningún medico criollo.
Así que, por favor, dejemos de perseguir a Cuba, dejemos de perseguir a los campesinos que están luchando por un pedazo de tierra: presidente golpista… por qué no exige justicia contra los corruptos y los asesinos como Oscar Álvarez, que usted mismo ha nombrado en su gabinete?
*la autora es responsable de la página web en italiano de Prensa Latina
Fuente: Kaosenlared.net