jueves, 1 de julio de 2010

Llorens knew, coup plans exposed, and much more

The current huge scandal in Honduras revolves around an interview that started circulating (see below) just a few days ago with recently murdered former Zelaya minister Roland Valenzuela. It appears to confirm Hugo Llorens' direct complicity in the coup.

Two articles out today (someone please translate...) on the FNRP's page are:
Embajador norteamericano si sabía del golpe fue parte de la conspiración: El diplomático conoció del borrador del decreto que destituyó a Zelaya, desde el diez de junio del año 2009, cuando le solicitan su opinión. (North American ambassador did know about the coup and helped to plan it: The diplomat had seen the draft of the decree that removed Zelaya from power by June 10, 2009, when he was asked for his opinion) and Golpe de Estado lo planificaron empresarios hondureños en un Emirato Árabe (The coup d'etat was planned by Honduran businessmen in Dubai)

Here is one email that is circulating with the audio link:

In this link, you will find the audio from the interview carried out with Roland Valenzuela, in which he explains the details of the coup d'etat perpetrated in Honduras on June 28, 2009.

As you will hear in the interview, the life of Roland Valenzuela was at risk, and that risk became a reality in which Roland Valenzuela lost his life at the hands of criminals, who remain in the streets enjoying impunity.

It is also important to mention that the documents to which he refers in the recording are in a safe place, and will be published at the right moment. One of the most important aspect of these documents is the direct evidence of U.S. involvement in the planning of the Coup, which had previously been the subject of speculation, and these documents now corroborate it.


Please send this information to national and international media! For the dignity of the people and for the memory of the martyrs! The world must hear this!

Please erase the source and the email from which this was sent for the safety of all those who have worked to bring this to light

En el presente link, encontraran el audio de la entrevista realizada a Roland Valenzuela, en la cual se explica los detalles del golpe de estado perpetuado en Honduras el 28 de Junio del 2009.

Como lo escucharan en la entrevista, la vida de Roland Valenzuela corria peligro, y el peligro se volvio una realidad, en la cual Roland Valenzuela perdio la vida a manos de criminales, quienes aun se encuentran en las calles de forma impune.

Tambien es importante mencionar, que los documentos a los cuales se referia en la grabacion, se encuentran en un lugar seguro, y seran publicados en un momento oportuno. Una de las cosas mas importantes de estos documentos, es la implicacion directa de Los Estados Unidos en la elaboracion del Golpe, que a pesar que se ha especulado, estos documentos vienen a corroborar esto.


Por favor, difundirlo a todos, a medios nacionales e internacionales! Por la dignidad del pueblo y por la memoria de los mártires! El mundo debe de escuchar esto!

Favor borrar la fuente y el correo que les envió esto para seguridad de todas las personas que se han encargado de sacar esto al aire.

And another email circulating, with a different audio link:

Interview that Roland Valenzuela gave to a San Pedro radio station days before his death. it reveals details.........

Entrevista que brindara Roland Valenzuela a una emisora de San Pedro Sula dias antes de su asesinato. revela detalles.........

1st part
2nd part

Fuente: quotha.net/node/1058

1 comentario:

  1. Lo enlaces en mega upload seguro y la CIA o gringos quien sea los han bloqueado o borrado, pongalos aca,, o otras maneras. por favor. es necesario que no los hagan perdedizos estyos gringos y la hillary
