The youth, Gilberto Alexander Núñez Ochoa (27) and Jose Andres Oviedo (26) were shot dead on Thursday afternoon, May 13, inside a home, in the second lane of Colonia Cruz Roja, kilometer 11, on the main road that leads south.
Since the coup d'état on June 28 , Gilberto Alexander Núñez Ochoa (27) joined to the mobilizations of the National Front of Popular Resistance and was part of the Security and Discipline Committee.
Source: defensoresenlinea.com
Since the coup d'état on June 28 , Gilberto Alexander Núñez Ochoa (27) joined to the mobilizations of the National Front of Popular Resistance and was part of the Security and Discipline Committee.
On several occasions, Núñez Ochoa along with members of the committee of safety and discipline, identified infiltrators in the demonstrations whose goal was to provoke the police commandos by attacking private and public facilities and establish chaos to hold accountable for vandalism the National Front of Popular Resistance (FNRP) besides of creating profiles of the protesters.
Reports provided to defensoresenlinea.com, state that Gilberto Alexander Núñez Ochoa participated in the recent demonstration that the teachers' organizations held last Wednesday at the base of the National Congress, which demanded respect for the Status of Teachers and the reinstatement of 10 departmental directors unfairly dismissed by the current regime.
Núñez Ochoa formed part of the protest along with hundreds of people from the FNRP in solidarity with teachers' unions, but at the end of the demonstration in the National Congress at about 11:30 am, he decided to stop following the mobilization that led to the Supreme Court (CSJ).
In the afternoon, he along with his friend, José Andrés Oviedo, went in a taxi to the Cruz Roja neighborhood, where about 5:30 pm they were killed by two men carrying guns of unknown caliber and ski masks, according to witnesses who saw the offenders flee.
Around 6:30 pm on Wednesday afternoon, Núñez Ochoa was found lying in the living room where he lived, result of various impacts on the head and face and the body of his friend (Oviedo) lay lifeless on a bed .
Last November, Gilberto Alexander Núñez Ochoa had testified before the Committee of Relatives of Detained and Disappeared in Honduras (Cofadeh) since he was being a victim of stalking, threats and harassment by criminal investigation officers.
creo que que se esta llegando la hora de formar un brazo armado del pueblo,para defenderlo de estos crominales de pacotilla,creo que paralelamente a la RESISTENCIA deve tambien funcionar una organizacin militar para ajusticiar a estos criminales que ya se saben quienes son. tales como el capitan joya a ese es uno de los blancos a eliminar, porque lo que estan tratando es de sembrar el panico en la poblacion.y demas esta demostrado a lo largo de la historia es que los pueblos no se amedrentan con asesinatos como estos sino que todo lo contrario, cuando nacen los martires es cuando la lucha comienza....habra que crear un brazo armado para hacer justicia porque nada puede hacer un pueblo contra criminales que forman parte del estado.