These are some of the conclusions reached at the meeting sponsored by the Space of defenders of human rights in Honduras (E-defenderh) that make up the Center for Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation of Victims of Torture (CPTRT) The Committee of Relatives of Detained and Disappeared in Honduras (COFADEH) and the Association for Participatory Citizenship (ACI-part).
The space for defenders of human rights developed a one-day analysis of adverse situations faced by hundreds of people who defend life and human rights in the country.
The space for defenders of human rights developed a one-day analysis of adverse situations faced by hundreds of people who defend life and human rights in the country.
It also devised a strategy to facilitate communication and joint actions that seek to protect human rights defenders who face persecution, death threats and criminalization.
The E-defenderh was formed a few months after the execution of coup d'etat against President Manuel Zelaya. Since that moment, human rights violations escalated and there were more than a hundred deaths classified as political crimes, because of the repression exercised by the repressive forces of the state against the National Front for Popular Resistance (FNRP) which integrates within it hundreds of defenders of human rights.
The FNRP brings together hundreds of Honduran social movement organizations (farmers, workers, artists, intellectuals, indigenous, African, advocates and human rights defenders, environmentalists, leaders and community leaders, feminists, gays, lesbians, transsexuals, bisexuals, religious leaders , religious, etc.) that have raised their voices in protest against the coup against the institutions and advocating for the establishment of the National Constituent Assembly to allow drafting a new constitution.
The Coordinator of E-defense, Mery Agurcia, said Honduras currently faces a situation of illegality with the authorities, and while there is that illegalityit is difficult for them to act, because the same people who generated the political crises are the same people who broke the constitutional order and the rupture of the constitutional order means there is no rule of law.
Agurcia said that facing this problem then "we have to resort to the assistance for the defense of human rights to international security structures."
Regarding the work of E-defenderh, the human rights defender stressed that we must act against the historical impunity and political impunity. To be against historical impunity is to remember the victims of repression, rescuing all their work, save the human part because the victims of political crimes had a human side, one life with their families.
"But it is also to rescue who is responsible of human rights violations and report them so that they are not paid with our taxes, wages for people who have tortured, detained and killed people, that's what it is about ," said the human rights advocate.
. In making an assessment of the day, Anarella Vélez of the Committee for Free Expression (C-Libre) said: "I think the initiative hits the nail and it is very opportune, we have seen in the political crisis being experienced by the country, human rights defenders have suffered, some have fallen, have been killed, as in the case of Walter Trochez and many of us have been persecuted. "
Walter Trochez, defender of human rights of the gay, lesbian, transsexual and lesbian community of Honduras, was killed when strangers aboard a vehicle shot him in his chest, the event took place on the evening of December 13 , 2009, in downtown Tegucigalpa. The young man was an active member of FNRP.
Velez said it is important that defenders of human rights have a mechanism to survive doing this activity that is so necessary as Honduran society is undergoing a systematic violation of their rights.
The E-defenderh was formed a few months after the execution of coup d'etat against President Manuel Zelaya. Since that moment, human rights violations escalated and there were more than a hundred deaths classified as political crimes, because of the repression exercised by the repressive forces of the state against the National Front for Popular Resistance (FNRP) which integrates within it hundreds of defenders of human rights.

The Coordinator of E-defense, Mery Agurcia, said Honduras currently faces a situation of illegality with the authorities, and while there is that illegalityit is difficult for them to act, because the same people who generated the political crises are the same people who broke the constitutional order and the rupture of the constitutional order means there is no rule of law.
Agurcia said that facing this problem then "we have to resort to the assistance for the defense of human rights to international security structures."
Regarding the work of E-defenderh, the human rights defender stressed that we must act against the historical impunity and political impunity. To be against historical impunity is to remember the victims of repression, rescuing all their work, save the human part because the victims of political crimes had a human side, one life with their families.
"But it is also to rescue who is responsible of human rights violations and report them so that they are not paid with our taxes, wages for people who have tortured, detained and killed people, that's what it is about ," said the human rights advocate.

Walter Trochez, defender of human rights of the gay, lesbian, transsexual and lesbian community of Honduras, was killed when strangers aboard a vehicle shot him in his chest, the event took place on the evening of December 13 , 2009, in downtown Tegucigalpa. The young man was an active member of FNRP.
Velez said it is important that defenders of human rights have a mechanism to survive doing this activity that is so necessary as Honduran society is undergoing a systematic violation of their rights.
Jose Zambrano, Coordinator of self-help group Renacer and the Partnership for a better quality of life for people living with HIV / AIDS, told defensoresenlinea.com the LGBT community (lesbian, gay, lesbian and transsexual) experience discrimination , homophobia and religious intolerance that makes them more vulnerable to develop their work to defend human rights of his community.
"I'm glad to have this space (E-defenderh) and we should be there as a community of sexual diversity and we are pleased that there are mechanisms to defend the defenders of human rights is essential in these political times and social conditions in which we do not find that true democracy, "said Zambrano.
"I'm glad to have this space (E-defenderh) and we should be there as a community of sexual diversity and we are pleased that there are mechanisms to defend the defenders of human rights is essential in these political times and social conditions in which we do not find that true democracy, "said Zambrano.
The event was attended by legal professionals, community leaders, human rights advocates, feminists, historians, LGBT community leaders, sociologists, students and advocates for the rights of people living with HIV / AIDS.
Fuente: defensoresenlinea.com - elquinceavopaso.blogspot.com
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