This may be the most important video I've done in my life, it's up now on It proves that the Honduran Supreme Electoral Tribunal falsified data to make the election turnout seem higher than it was in Honduras' controversial general election on. Falsifying turnout numbers doesn't seem like a big deal, but this video shows how the turnout data has been used as a reason for numerous countries to recognize the coup government of President-Elect Pepe Lobo. The turnout data is, in effect, the lie that consolidated the coup (for now).
This video shouldn't be necessary, there are a 1000 better reasons why these elections should have never taken place to begin with, but now that they have, I hope that you can help get this story the wide attention it needs, and that it can have an impact on this dire situation, which, in the eyes of many here, has put Honduras on the path toward inevitable civil war. With the poor majority of the Western Hemisphere's most unequal country unable to get any of their demands met by a regime that has effectively criminalized their perspective, and repeatedly represses them.
I would love to say that this was some great piece of journalistic effort, but the evidence was sitting right out in the open for anyone to see, the fact that I'm the one to put it out there has less to do with any skills or effort of mine, and more to do with exactly how detached most journalists are from the people and issues that they cover. Hardly anyone writing about Honduras came here last week with intentions to do anything more than just cover another election and report the 'official' data, candidate statements, and tidbits from the international diplomacy circus. The despicable coverage of the situation in Honduras from all the mainstream sources stands as a testament to their disillusionment from reality, and another reason why I get giddy with excitement every time I see another one of them near the cliff of impending bankruptcy.
From now until December 11th I can be reached at 504-8817-0789 (dial 011 first if you're in North America). Will be out of contact in El Salvador for a couple days, and then reachable in Washington DC at 310-622-5982 from the 13th on.
There will be a Spanish language version of the video coming out very shortly.
For a small window into life as a Honduran coup-resister, check out the video previous to this one, from election day in San Pedro Sula.
Honduran coup regime's claims about 60% turnout at free and fair elections is revealed as fraud. Also implicated in the video are the wide array of media outlets and governments that have unquestioningly accepted the electoral data of a regime that overthrew the last elected president.
Produced by Jesse Freeston, on location in Honduras.
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